Alleanza contro la povertà energetica, from now in english “Alliance against energy poverty” or Alliance is a network of italian best practices, consumer associations and experts in energy poverty. It was created with the intention of establishing a dialogue between best practices, researchers, citizens and institutional stakeholders.
The Alliance intends to act as a hub to allow the aggregation of news on the subject and create a network of subjects who intend to fight the energy poverty’s phenomenon.
The mission is to try to develop local solutions in order to raise people’s awareness about energy poverty and solutions.
To grow the network looks to sector experts, cooperatives and foundations, associations related to the energy, consumer and social sector, similar European realities, institutions and researchers.
The initiative was born in 2019 from an idea of Canale Energia, a newspaper specialized in the energy and environment sector, already a media partner of several European projects about energy poverty and consumer awareness. At the moment include 8 brand ambassadors and 6 partners. This part is evolving and the Alliance is concluding other partnerships.